Who We Are

The #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign brings together organizations, activists, asylum-seekers, advocates, and our community to transform the way the United States receives and protects people forced to flee their homes to ensure they are treated humanely and fairly. To build a more just and truly humanitarian system we must reject the xenophobia and racism that motivated dangerous policies in the past.

  • Campaign Partners


Advocates for Human Rights

Afghans For A Better Tomorrow

African Communities Together

Al Otro Lado

Alianza Americas

America's Voice

American Friends Service Committee

American Immigration Council

Americans for Immigrant Justice

Amnesty International

Anti-Defamation League

Asylum Access Mexico

Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project

Asylum Works

Austin Border Relief

Border Servant Corps

Calvario Resiliency & Well-Being Program

Caravan for the Children Campaign


Casa Alitas

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

Catholics Against Racism in Immigration

Center for Democracy in the Americas

Center for Gender & Refugee Studies

Center for Immigration Law and Policy at UCLA Law

Center for Victims of Torture

Church World Service

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights

Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto

Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim

Comunidad SOL

Detention Watch Network

Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services, Inc.

Disciples Home Missions

Doctors For Camp Closure

El Paso County's Office of New Americans

Episcopal Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Faithful America

Families Belong Together

Fellowship Southwest

First Focus on Children

Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project


Galeria de la Raza

Global Response Medicine

Haitian Bridge Alliance

Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program


Hope Border Institute

Human Impact Partners

Human Rights First

Human Rights Watch

Immigrant Defenders Law Center

Immigrant Justice Corps

Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project

Immigration Hub

Innovation Law Lab

Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración

Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity

International Institute of New England

International Mayan League

International Refugee Assistance Project

International Rescue Committee

Jesuit Refugee Service

Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Massachusetts

Jewish Family Service SD

Justice Action Center

Justice for Our Neighbors El Paso

Kino Border Initiative

La Union Del Pueblo Entero

Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center

Latin America Working Group

Lawyers for Good Government

Legal Services for Children

Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Moms Rising

Mulvaney Center for Community, Awareness and Social Action

National Immigrant Justice Center

National Immigration Law Center

National Immigration Project

National Partnership for New Americans

Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

Office of Social Justice - Christian Reformed Church

Ohio Immigrant Alliance

Oxfam America

Parents Together

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) A Corp


Project ANAR

Public Counsel

Quixote Center


Refugee Congress

Refugee Solidarity Network

Refugees International

San Diego Rapid Response Network

San Joaquin College of Law

Santa Cruz Welcoming Network

Seguimos Adelante



Southern Poverty Law Center

Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice


Texas Impact

Union for Reform Judaism

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Washington Office on Latin America

We Are All America

Witness At The Border

Women's Refugee Commission