Press Release

For Immediate Release: July 31, 2024

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#WelcomeWithDignity Campaign Applauds the Introduction of the
Destination Reception Assistance Act

“This act demonstrates that it is possible for us to provide communities with the tools and funds to welcome people seeking asylum with dignity.” 

Washington, DCThe  #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign applauds the introduction of the Destination Reception Assistance Act (DRAA), legislation that would provide critical support to communities throughout the nation that are welcoming families and individuals seeking safety. The Campaign strongly urges passage of the bill to more efficiently integrate newcomers on their pathway to safety and self-sufficiency.

The DRAA, introduced by Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Representatives Grace Meng (NY-06), Delia Ramirez (IL-03), and Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) on July 30, provides federal funding for state and local reception efforts that provide new arrivals, including people seeking asylum, access to essential services – including stable housing, workforce development services, and medical care and mental health support – as they navigate the immigration process. Campaign members have seen firsthand the difference these services make in their communities, often with local government and non-governmental organizations funding and carrying out the work.

Under the DRAA, new arrivals would receive support when applying for humanitarian protection and work authorization – making the process more efficient and helping individuals become independent sooner.

The #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign welcomes this bill, which aligns with one of the four practical policy solutions the Campaign has put forward to safeguard and strengthen the U.S. asylum system: the need to support and fund systems that meet people’s immediate and long-term needs as they navigate the U.S. immigration process. To read more about the Campaign’s policy solutions, visit us online here.

The Destination Reception Assistance Act is endorsed by the following organizations, including numerous #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign members: Amnesty International USA, Women’s Refugee Commission, Refugees International, International Rescue Committee, National Partnership for New Americans, Church World Service, Friends Committee on National Legislation, American Immigration Lawyers Association, International Refugee Assistance Project, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Save the Children, National Immigration Law Center, United We Dream, Human Rights First, United Church of Christ, MomsRising, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Refugee Congress, Jesuit Refugee Service USA, Immigrant Defenders Law Center, Oasis Legal Services, Borderlands Resource Initiative, Refugee Advocacy Lab, HIAS, Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center, International Institute of New England, MIRA Coalition, Immigration Hub, Alianza Americas, Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice, Interfaith Welcome Coalition of San Antonio, Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, Advocates for Human Rights, Ascentria Care Alliance, National Immigrant Justice Center, Vera Institute of Justice, Illinois Community for Displaced Migrants, and Make the Road NY.

“Everyone deserves support and compassion as they settle into a new home and a new community. Finding a job, supporting a family, accessing medical care – these are critical challenges for everyone, especially those seeking safety and asylum in this country,” said Melina Roche, #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign Manager. “This act demonstrates that it is possible for us to provide communities with the tools and funds to welcome people seeking asylum with dignity. Our immigration system needs more solutions like the DRAA – smart, humane solutions that not only support people seeking protection, but also support the communities welcoming them.”

“Church World Service strongly commends and endorses the Destination Reception Assistance Act. Cities and communities across the country have lacked needed infrastructure and federal support to effectively and humanely welcome arriving asylum seekers and other newcomers – this bill addresses that challenge head on,” said Erol Kekic, Senior Vice President for Programs at Church World Service. “It is imperative that we better support the local communities which receive and support new arrivals as they and their families become our neighbors, coworkers, and schoolmates. We applaud Congress for turning towards practical and proven solutions to the challenges we face at the border. This legislation invests in our capacity to welcome, helping to ensure all of us have the resources we need to thrive and flourish.”

“The Destination Reception Assistance Act is a vital step to support American communities that are welcoming families and individuals seeking protection in our country. Orderly and humane asylum processes depend on sustainable, coordinated reception systems that promote benefits for newcomers and host communities alike, uphold fairness, and ensure individuals’ dignity. This legislation supports the core elements of an effective reception system – a much needed solution when fundamental refugee protections continue to be undermined,” said Hans Van de Weerd, Senior Vice President for Resettlement, Asylum and Integration at the International Rescue Committee. “The Destination Reception Assistance Act reaffirms America’s commitment to welcoming families and individuals seeking safety by enabling state and local governments, and their community partners, to help people gain self-sufficiency as they go through the immigration process and enhance the social, cultural and economic contributions newcomers bring to this country.”

“Haitian Bridge Alliance wholeheartedly applauds the introduction of the Destination Reception Assistance Act (DRAA) and urges its swift passage. This vital legislation will provide critical support to communities across the nation that are welcoming families and individuals seeking safety. By ensuring resources are available to offer dignity, care, and compassion, the DRAA stands as a beacon of hope and humanity in these challenging times and makes it easier for immigrants to contribute to the economic development of our nation. As frontline responders, we know firsthand how critical it is to provide support and welcome people with dignity, care, and compassion in their search for life, safety, and protection. We thank Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Representatives Grace Meng (NY-06), Delia Ramirez (IL-03), and Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) for their commitment to the immigrant community,” said Guerline Jozef, Executive Director of Haitian Bridge Alliance.

“We applaud the introduction of the Destination Reception Assistance Act, which would establish meaningful mechanisms to support newly arrived immigrants as they integrate into our local and state communities”, said Margaret Cargioli, Directing Attorney of Policy and Advocacy at Immigrant Defenders Law Center. “Through forethought and careful planning, we can welcome newly arrived immigrants with dignity, strengthen our local and state economies, and help dispel false and xenophobic rhetoric about immigrants.”

“The Destination Reception Assistance Act provides the partnership and resources that communities need to welcome newcomers so they can start their new lives,” said Melanie Nezer, Vice President of Advocacy and External Relations at the Women’s Refugee Commission. “The United States has a commitment to welcome those seeking safety, and our communities are strengthened when all are given the chance to thrive.”

“The Destination Reception Assistance Act contains crucial changes to ensure a smart approach to welcoming new arrivals in our country in a humane and effective manner. We commend the leaders on this bill for taking action to enact transformative policy changes to improve how we receive and integrate new families. We call on Congress to support and pass this legislation and to follow its example by pursuing other bold, innovative legislative changes to welcome those seeking safety in a timely, fair, and humane manner for the good of our whole country,” said Robyn Barnard, senior director of Refugee Advocacy, Human Rights First. 

This Destination Reception Assistance Act recognizes that when people can move with dignity to communities of welcome, our societies are made stronger,” said Michele Garnett McKenzie, Deputy Director at The Advocates for Human Rights. “By investing in communities that want to welcome people fleeing harms, the DRAA begins to ensure our immigration policies align with best practices to fund welcome rather than enforcement and expulsion. The U.S. can humanely and fairly welcome and process people seeking safety in the US, and passing this legislation is a visionary step that Congress must take.”

“This bill would provide vital assistance to cities and counties across the country on the forefront of welcoming asylum seekers and ensuring access to critical resources necessary to rebuilding their lives,” said Amy Fischer, Director of Refugee and Migrant Rights at Amnesty International USA. Communities in the U.S. are better when there are resources to welcome people into them and give their new neighbors a fair chance to succeed.”

“CGRS is proud to endorse the Destination Reception Assistance Act (DRAA) and urges lawmakers to support and pass the bill,” said Brianna Krong, Communications and Advocacy Manager at the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS). “The DRAA will equip our communities with the resources they need to receive newcomers and help people seeking asylum navigate the legal process while supporting themselves and their families. For years, communities around the country have stepped up to welcome people seeking safety with dignity and compassion. It’s time for our federal government to match their energy.”

“We know how critically important it is that people who are seeking safety and rebuilding their lives in the US have the opportunity to truly thrive,” said Nili Sarit Yossinger, Executive Director at Refugee Congress. “By ensuring that communities have access to resources that will help newcomers, the Destination Reception Assistance Act will help set asylum seekers up for success so they can be a vital part of the cultural and economic fabric of our communities.”



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The #WelcomeWithDignity Campaign for asylum rights is composed of more than 100 organizations committed to transforming the way the United States receives and protects people forced to flee their homes to ensure they are treated humanely and fairly. To learn more and join our campaign visit: